Sass Color Functions

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Sass Color Functions

The following are the list of inbuilt color functions available in Sass language.

adjust-color()Increases or decreases one or more properties of a given color by fixed amounts.
adjust-hue()Increases or decreases a given color's hue.
alpha()Returns the alpha (opacity) channel of a given color as a number between 0 and 1.
blue()Returns the blue channel of a given color as a number between 0 and 255.
change-color()Sets one or more properties of a color to new values.
complement()Returns the RGB complement of a given color.
darken()Makes a given color daker.
desaturate()Makes a given color less saturated.
grayscale()Returns a gray color with the same lightness as a given color.
green()Returns the green channel of a given color as a number between 0 and 255.
hsl()Returns a color with the given hue, saturation, and lightness and the given alpha channel.
hue()Returns the hue of a given color as a number between 0deg and 255deg.
ie-hex-str()Returns an unquoted string that represents a given color in the #AARRGGBB format expected by Internet Explorer's -ms-filter property.
invert()Returns the inverse or negative of a given color.
lighten()Makes a given color lighter.
lightness()Returns the HSL lightness of a given color as a number between 0% and 100%.
mix()Returns a number that’s a mixture of a given color1 and color2.
opacify()Makes a given color more opaque.
red()Returns the red channel of a given color as a number between 0 and 255.
rgb()Returns a color with the given red, green, blue, and alpha channels.
saturate()Makes a given color more saturated.
saturation()Returns the HSL saturation of a given color as a number between 0% and 100%.
scale-color()Fluidly scales one or more properties of a given color.
transparentize()Makes a given color more transparent.


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